Sunday, June 24, 2012

Digital Literacy Programme - Day 1

       After all the Planning was Done.The Microsoft Digital Literacy Programme was Ready for Deployment.The Great Day 19-06-2012 arrived.I made subsequent calls to all the volunteers thereby helping them in reaching the Venue

       I had all the Volunteers at the Campus On time....Let me First Populate the Volunteer List here before i Proceed on Day-1.

# Ms.Adhitya Vaishnavi.U
# Ms.Manjula Devi.S

# Ms.Nandhini.V.M.
# Mr.Viveik
# Ms.Veena
# Mr.Sriram
  &  Myself

     The Day was awesome.Every Student was keen and attentive.We handled a batch of 80 students.They were from the Sixth Standard.

Here is the Photo Album.

Day-1 Photos


# We gave an activity for them to draw Computers.
# We got a lot of Fans.
I had a few Key Learnings from the students there which i would like to share.Check below the album.

~ There were students from three Sections.
Section-A :English Medium
Section-B&C:Tamil Medium.

~ The students had entered into computer labs fewer than 3 times.
~ The Staffs don't have Sufficient Computer Knowledge to teach them.
~ Only the 11th and 12th Students were allowed to use the labs.
~ The Students have to take "Government Food - Sathunavu "Compulsorily.
~ They will be given Free uniforms only if they have the Food Under the Government Scheme.
 and lots more ..I will Share them in future posts.

Yours Friendly


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